Here is a set of creature cards that I created for a game I made with my team from University, called Delta Legends ( See https://ela-grey.itch.io/delta-legends)
Delta Legends is an urban folktale where the main character, Hu-Mo has to help Delta Kingdom to prevail and win against their biggest enemy, The Imbalance Monster.
History: Long time ago, people lived in harmony with nature. In Bucharest, one of the most polluted cities of Romania, there is a place called Delta Văcărești. President Nicolae Ceaușescu wanted to build a water reservoir. As a result he created a concrete dam to surround the lake. Somehow, he couldn’t finish his project so the place remained forgotten and became the town's dump . Years later, the nature bloomed and many species flourished within the confines of the dam. The biodiversity encountered there is considered by some to be comparable to that of a small river delta.
During one of the game missions, the player can discover some of the species that live in the swamp and collect the creature cards.
Here are the drawings:

This is how they look in the game:

Playing Cards Package Design

I hope you like and play the Demo to find all of them!