Ana and Butu - Romanian folktale from Ceahlău Massif
The legend of Butu and Ana's Towers is a love story. It is said that in the time of Alexandru cel Bun (ruler of Moldova during 1400-1432), there lived a young man as brave as handsome whose name was Butu. The ruler's daughter, Ana, tempted by Butu's beauty and worthiness, fell in love with him and swore to himself eternal faith.
However, as they were preparing for the wedding, enemies invaded the Romanian land and Butu had to go to war. Fate was against the two and Butu perished in battle.
Hopeless that her father had decided to marry her to a country boyar, Ana went and asked for the help of a witch. She promises Ana that she will cast spells and bring back her lover, but only in a form of a ghost.
Called by the witch's charms, Butu appeared on a white horse on a stormy dark night, took Ana with him and both disappeared in the middle of the ruffles, flying towards Ceahlău mountain.
Still floating above the mountain at dawn, they are caught by the singing of the roosters. A terrifying detunement smashes the air against the fugitives, who collapse into the two twinned cliffs.
Ana - Character Design

Ana Turnaround for 3D Modeling




Ending - Ana and Butu turned into Mountain Rocks

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